Jinn and their effects

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Jinn are of three types: one with wings that fly in the air, one in the form of snakes and scorpions, and one that settles and moves about.” Jinn often prefer deserted places but can also coexist with humans, occupying areas like rubbish bins, toilets, and unclean places. According to a narration by Abu Hurairah, they consume leftover human food, bones, and animal dung. Although Jinn can take on many shapes and forms, they do not appear to humans in their true form, often choosing to remain hidden. Some may appear in dreams, and those who work for Shaytaan are referred to as Shayateen.

Jinn exist in various tribes or groups and follow different religions, much like humans. Among them are both good and evil entities. However, humans are prohibited from interacting with or seeking assistance from Jinn, whether or not they offer it. Help comes solely from Allah, and it is forbidden for Jinn to assist humans, although they sometimes intrude upon our world.

Across different cultures and religions, Jinn are known by many names, such as “ghosts” or “spirits,” and are sometimes thought to be ancestral spirits or the souls of the deceased. Yet, they are all fundamentally the same beings—Jinn.

Jinn and Sihr (Magic)
In matters of sihr, or magic, Jinn are often used to carry out harmful acts against people. Some Jinn may even “possess” a person, becoming more apparent when the Quran is recited or as a person draws closer to Allah.

Effects of Jinn
Jinn can influence people in various ways. Below are some common effects:

  1. Physical Harm
    Jinn can cause physical pain or manipulate parts of a person’s body, creating pain that medical scans and tests cannot detect, making the issue difficult for doctors to identify.
  2. Possession
    Possession occurs when a Jinn takes control over aspects of a person’s mind or body. A possessed person may be aware of their surroundings but feel a lack of control, often leading to fear. Extraction of the Jinn is usually performed through Quranic recitation and supportive therapy, helping the person regain strength and confidence.
  3. Mental and Emotional Impact
    Mental or emotional disturbances may include unexplained anger, intense fear, extreme sadness, loneliness, anxiety, or depression. Jinn can exploit a person’s vulnerabilities by “whispering” (waswas) negative thoughts, causing the person to feel isolated and detached from others. Therapy is essential for managing the emotional impacts of Jinn.

These effects are the most common, though there are many other ways in which Jinn can influence people.

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